Saturday 11 October 2008

Minor Characters

Raye Penber

One of the 13 FBI agents who were sent to Japan for the Kira murder case. In a busjacking set up by Light, he was forced to reveal his identity to Light as an FBI agent named "Raye Penber". Manipulated by Light, he killed the other FBI agents and was then killed by a heart attack.

Naomi Misora

Naomi Misora is a former FBI agent and Raye Penber's fiance. She made her own investigation on Kira after Penber's death. She found out that Kira can also kill in other means, not only by a heart attack. Light, again, fooled her of revealing her name and made her commit suicide.


Aiber, whose real name is Thierry Morello , is a professional con man in the employ of L. He plays the role of Eraldo Coil one of L's detective aliases, during the investigation of the Yotsuba Group. Aiber uses his initial "A", just like L, when communicating through computers. Aiber speaks many languages and uses many false identities. Supposedly he has a talent for using his good looks to convince women to pass information to him. Aiber enjoys life on the edge and his biggest thrill comes from conning people. Since he is a professional criminal, he is known solely in the underworld. After L's death, in the manga Light kills him using the Death Note. In the anime, he dies of a heart attack in front of his wife and son.


Wedy real name Marrie Kenwoodis a professional burglar in the employ of L. She installs bugs in the Yotsuba Group's meeting room to secretly observe the group's weekly meetings. She does the same for Higuchi's car, allowing the team to watch his desperate attempts to kill Matsuda. Since she is a professional criminal, she is known solely in the underworld.Wedy uses her initial in computer communication; to avoid confusion with Watari ("W"), she deliberately uses the lowercase form, "w". After L's death, Light kills her using his Death Note.

Yotsuba Group

The Yotsuba Group is a group of eight characters present in the anime and manga versions of Death Note; the characters are members of the Yotsuba Corporation. On Light's instruction, Rem delivers the Death Note to one of them. They meet weekly to discuss the killing of key individuals from competing companies to maintain dominance in the business industry. While they realize that one of them is Kira, they do not know which one. The group that holds the "Meetings of Death" consists of:

Kyosuke Higuchi

Kyosuke Higuchi, is the head Technological Development, and is secretly the Yotsuba Kira. Eventually, he is betrayed by the others, who are assisted by L's task force. This leads to his defeat, and death.

Reiji Namikawa

Reiji Namikawa is the Vice President of Sales. He initially encourages the Yotsuba Kira. After receiving a telephone call from Light he ceases participation and observes the scenario.

Shingo Midou

Shingo Mido, the Vice President of Corporate Strategy and the Director of Financial Planning, feels reservations regarding the Yotsuba Kira and ponders leaving the other board members. Mido seems to have a sense of appreciation for Yotsuba. Misa Amane acknowledges that Mido bears a resemblance to Light Yagami.

Eiichi Takahashi

Eiichi Takahashi is the Vice President of Yotsuba Material Planning Division and Yotsuba Homes. How to Read 13 states that he "never had what it takes to be a true leader" and that he was selected to attend the meetings to "make Higuchi look good." The book adds that other members view Takahashi as "foolish" because he does not "seem to put much thought into his comments.

Suguru Shimura

Suguru Shimura is the Head of Personnel. How to Read 13 describes him as "paranoid" and always "keep a close eye" on others. Shimura's ability to pay attention to small details allowed him to join the meetings; he noticed subtle changes in "poker-faced" Namikawa's face. How to Read states that he does not like his predicament.

Masahiko Kida

Masahiko Kida, The Vice President of Rights and Planning, Kida controls the finances of the committee and contacts "Eraldo Coil." How to Read 13 describes him as "calm and collected." However he is not able to "deal with surprises," leading him to panic when "Eraldo Coil" asks for more money.

Takeshi Ooi

Takeshi Ooi is the Vice President of VT Enterprises. He is the eldest and "most influential" member and he "appears" to control the conferences. He individually contacts the members of the committee. How to Read 13 states that Ooi is "seemingly" a "tough guy who doesn't sweat the details.

Arayoshi Hatori

Arayoshi Hatori ,The Vice President of Marketing, Hatori is the illegitimate son of the company president and uses this fact to benefit himself. How to Read 13 states that he "appears to be something of a lightweight" and that he cannot handle the pressures of the meetings. After Hatori makes a "careless outburst" the Yotsuba Kira kills him.


Matt whose real name is Mail Jeevasis a consort of Mello's. Matt was also a former resident of Wammy's orphanage. Matt is Mello's helper as Matt performs espionage work and acts as an accomplice in Takada's kidnapping, which results in his death when he is shot by Takada's bodyguards.

Hitoshi Demegawa

Hitoshi Demegawa is publicity hound and director of Sakura TV. He initially appears when Misa Amane sends four videotapes to Sakura TV in order to gain attention from the real Kira, and approves of broadcasting the tapes on live TV. However, he is forced to hand the tapes over to Soichiro, who crashes a police wagon into the studio and threatens him at gunpoint. Demegawa reappears after L's death, serving as Kira's spokesman for a while and even creating new programs in "honor" of Kira. Demegawa also leads the raid on Near's headquarters with Kira's supporters, but like all the other rioters, is distracted by the money that Near throws down. Later, Mikami kills him for being greedy, and he is replaced by Takada.

Lind L. Tailor

Lind L. Tailor is a convicted criminal sentenced to die; this information was kept secret from the public. L places Tailor as a dummy on television. The television states that the broadcast is worldwide and that Tailor's statements are being translated into Japanese. After Tailor states that he is "L," he reads a declaration stating that Kira is evil. Light, in a rage, kills Tailor with a heart attack. The real L announces that Tailor was a decoy, a criminal on death row, and discovers that Kira cannot kill the real L and that Kira is in Kanto.

Sachiko Yagami

Soichiro's devoted wife and the proud mother of Light who is unaware of her son's ownership of a death note.

Sayu Yagami

Light's younger sister. She is an adorable girl who always asks for Light's help with her homework.


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